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Itajaí ist eine Großstadt im brasilianischen Bundesstaat Santa Catarina an der Atlantikküste an der Mündung des Rio Itajaí.
Der Hafen von Itajaí ist der größte Hafen des Bundesstaates Santa Catarina in Brasilien.

It was colonised by a majority of immigrants from the Azores, and lays great emphasis on preserving the culture of its ancestors. The cities where the nature and the progress live in perfect harmony are very few. With approximately 145 thousand inhabitants, situated on the North coast of Santa Catarina, it is one of those rare cases in which the social development is hand in hand with the preservation of its cultural and natural characteristics. At first sight the visitor discovers about the magnetism and charm of the city. It is impossible, even for those who are more distracted, to ignore the fascination that the well structured coastal city affects its inhabitants and transferring it to the tourists that visit us. The city has a pleasant climate and has a good standard of living. The excellent geographical localisation, the university, the good standard of living, the infrastructure, the port, the tourism attractions and he hospitable people, characterise the city that is having a promising place in the Catarinense scenario. It is situated at the estuary of the Itajai-Acu River, half way between the capital of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis and Joinville which is the most populated city in our state. Being so, it is the natural channel for the state economy and also for the limiting provinces of Argentine. It is the headquarters for AMFRI - Association for the Municipalities of the Itajai-Acu estuary and the Port District of Santa Catarina.
Wikipedia Infos
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<fracht>Baumwolle,120,Zucker,120,Kaffee,120,landwirt. Produkte,90,Metallwaren,75,Bananen,105,Maschinen,90,Elektronik,80</fracht>
<kontinent>South America</kontinent>
The image should be added to the ..\poc\pocxxl\harbors\maps directory.

These images should be added to the ..\poc\pocxxl\harbors\image2 directory.
views: 63048    downloads: 237
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Cut and Paste the data below and add it to the town0.xml file.
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