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Caucedo Terminal is likely to become the primary facility for container shipping to and from the Dominican Republic, meeting the growing needs of the local garment, tourism, agriculture and industrial products container markets. As the country is centrally located within the Caribbean, Caucedo is hoping to quickly develop into a strategic shipping hub for markets in the locality, as well as central and South America.
The Caucedo Terminal would also be able to act as a trans-shipment hub, allowing shipping/ carrier companies to serve other areas of the Caribbean and Latin America. This will be a major economic benefit to these companies, who rely heavily on a terminal that offers modern, highly efficient, processing facilities. Moreover, the new terminal will serve as a highway connector to Santa Domingo and other major Dominican Republic cities. It is in a prime location for north-south shipments, as it lies on the direct route. In addition, Caucedo's deep-water access will enable carriers to deploy larger vessels into the Dominican Republic and achieve improved vessel operating costing. If the volumes are there, the new Caucedo Terminal is in a prime location to serve South America as well. This may happen, as the Dominican Republic has seen 18% to 21% annual growth in shipping activity since 1995. The area has also seen an economic growth rate of 7.3% in 1998, and 8.3% in 1999. Exports surged by 39% from 1996-2000, a figure that is likely to increase seeing as 42 Dominican companies were setup in the first half of 2000.
Wikipedia Infos
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<land>Dominican Republic</land>
<kontinent>North America</kontinent>
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