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Acajutla is a seaport and municipality in Sonsonate Department, El Salvador. The town is located at 13°35′24″N, 89°50′01″W on the Pacific Coast of Central America and is El Salvador's principle seaport from which a large portion of the nation's exports of coffee, sugar, and balsam are shipped. As a municipality, Acajutla is one of seventeen such districts in Sonsonate. As of 1992 the population of the town was 18,008, and of the municipality 47,678. Acajutla's deepwater harbor is the principal port, and for some types of shipping, there is two operational port in El Salvador. It's port cargo loading facilities allow the marine shipment of a large portion of its major exports of coffee (40%), sugar, and balsam. Its oil refinery is the national's largest and it mainly refines petroleum imported from Venezuela. The town is also the site of a petroleum refinery, a fertilizer plant, and seafood-processing plants. The beaches there attract tourists to a growing beach-resort industry. | |
<town> <index>000</index> <name>Acajutla</name> <land>El Salvador</land> <einwohner>18008</einwohner> <landwaehrung_name>USD</landwaehrung_name> <kurs_auf_dollar_bezogen>1</kurs_auf_dollar_bezogen> <x>-895</x> <y>-134</y> <einkommensteuer>90</einkommensteuer> <kriegsrisiko>1</kriegsrisiko> <HafenArbeiterStreik>2</HafenArbeiterStreik> <SchlepperStreik>8</SchlepperStreik> <prozwirksam>76</prozwirksam> <treibstoffpreis>200</treibstoffpreis> <bildinfostadtnummer>-</bildinfostadtnummer> <fracht>Kaffee,70,Zucker,50,Textilien,65,flüssige Chemikalien,30,gasförmige Chemikalien,35,Standard Chemikalien,40,Düngemittel,50</fracht> <klippenrisiko>1</klippenrisiko> <piratenrisiko>3</piratenrisiko> <kollisionsrisiko>0</kollisionsrisiko> <seuchenrisiko>30</seuchenrisiko> <schlepperkosten>3000</schlepperkosten> <ortswartezeit>2</ortswartezeit> <schmuggelda>20</schmuggelda> <schmuggelart>2</schmuggelart> <zollgefahr>20</zollgefahr> <nebel>0</nebel> <repda>0</repda> <anzfracht>8</anzfracht> <hafentyp>p,q,y,g,c,r,b,t,a</hafentyp> <kontinent>South America</kontinent> </town> |
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