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Xiamen ist eine Küstenstadt im Südosten der Volksrepublik Chinas und Süden der Provinz Fujian. Ihr Zentrum liegt auf einer dem Festland vorgelagerten Insel gleichen Namens und verfügt über einen eigenen Flughafen. Since Xiamen Special Economic Zone was established, it has opened up to foreign direct investment and created many jobs, factories, export opportunities for local companies and multi-national corporations. Xiamen benefits particularly from investment capital from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Xiamen's primary economic activities include fishing, shipbuilding, food processing, tanning, textiles, machine tools manufacturing, chemical industries, financial and telecommunication services. Xiamen Port is one of the top ten ports in China. It is a huge, deepwater, ice-free port that never silts up. Xiamen port is located on Xiamen Island which is at the mouth of the Jiulong River. It has an excellent natural harbour and is well connected to the mainland. The natural coastline in the port area is 64.5 km while the water is over 12 m indepth. There are 81 berths of big, medium or small tonnage, including 16 deep-water berths, of which 6 operate containers of over 10,000 tonnages. 100,000t ships can berth straight at the inner port, while 50,000t ships can pull in for loading and unloading. Currently, Xiamen port has navigation routes to Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Kaohsiung and Singapore. Xiamen has recently opened ocean routes to the Mediterranean Sea, Europe and America. In 2000, the cargo throughput at the port was 19.65 million tons, an increase of 10.82% over the previous year; the container throughput reached 108.46 million TEUs, up by 27.83% from the previous year. see more | |
<town> <index>000</index> <name>Xiamen</name> <land>China</land> <einwohner>1570000</einwohner> <landwaehrung_name>CNY</landwaehrung_name> <kurs_auf_dollar_bezogen>7.75470</kurs_auf_dollar_bezogen> <x>1182</x> <y>-245</y> <einkommensteuer>60</einkommensteuer> <kriegsrisiko>0</kriegsrisiko> <HafenArbeiterStreik>0</HafenArbeiterStreik> <SchlepperStreik>0</SchlepperStreik> <prozwirksam>77</prozwirksam> <treibstoffpreis>163</treibstoffpreis> <bildinfostadtnummer>-</bildinfostadtnummer> <fracht>brennbare Chemikalien,90,Standard Chemikalien,75,flüssige Chemikalien,100,Textilien,100,Maschinen,100,Elektronik,150,Lebensmittel,100,Kunststoff Prod.,100,Kommunikationstechnik,150,Gummi,95</fracht> <klippenrisiko>3</klippenrisiko> <piratenrisiko>0</piratenrisiko> <kollisionsrisiko>0</kollisionsrisiko> <seuchenrisiko>0</seuchenrisiko> <schlepperkosten>2800</schlepperkosten> <ortswartezeit>0</ortswartezeit> <schmuggelda>0</schmuggelda> <schmuggelart>2</schmuggelart> <zollgefahr>60</zollgefahr> <nebel>8</nebel> <repda>80</repda> <anzfracht>34</anzfracht> <hafentyp>p,q,y,g,c,r,b,d,t,a</hafentyp> <kontinent>Asia</kontinent> </town> |
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Desweiteren sind alle Frachten übersetzt worden. Ein Liste der Änderungen findest du hier: all freights are translated to german. a list can be found here: Frachten/Goods Übersetzungen/Translation |