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Casablanca ist die größte Stadt Marokkos, südlich der Hauptstadt Rabat direkt an der Atlantikküste gelegen und wirtschaftliches Zentrum des Landes. In der eigentlichen Stadt leben 2.933.684 Menschen.

The port is considered as Morocco's chief port and as one of the largest artificial ports in the world. It is also the largest port of the Maghreb and North Africa. Casablanca's port treats a traffic of more than 21,3 million tons per annum, that is to say 38% of the national traffic, and carries out a sales turnover of more than 894 Million Moroccan Dirhams. With an extent of 605 hectares and extending to more than 8 kilometers in length. It can accommodate and treat more than 35 ships at the same time.
The port has been knowing important works of extension including the prolongation of the two facilities for phosphates shipping and the completion of citrus fruits facility.
The most important part of Casablanca's economy is phosphate export for which Casablanca is one of the main ports as well as an administrative centre. It is also the centre of the most intensive industrial activity in the country: a sizeable portion of the city's products is exported. Among Casablanca's own industries are fishing, fish canning, sawmilling, furniture making, building materials, glass, textiles, electronics, leather work, processed food, beer, spirits, soft drinks, and cigarettes. Casablanca is also the center for more than half of all bank transactions in Morocco.
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<fracht>Phosphate,130,Düngemittel,100,Fisch,90,Tropische Früchte,80,Textilien,80,Passagiere,90,Eisenerz,90,landwirt. Produkte,90,Zink,90,Mangan,80,Kohle,80,Salz,80,Anhänger,90,Möbel,50,Glas,50,Lebensmittel,50,Bier,50</fracht>
The image should be added to the ..\poc\pocxxl\harbors\maps directory.

These images should be added to the ..\poc\pocxxl\harbors\image2 directory.
views: 74556    downloads: 239
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