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Porto Grande is Mindelo's and São Vicente's main port located in the west of the city and northwest of the island overlooking the Mindelo Bay. The port is authorized by ENACOR and is located about 1 km from the city centre. The port functions as a centre of cargo trading for other islands and rarely other parts of the world, most of the foreign ships are imports from North America, Latin America, Brazil and Europe. The length is 340 m from southeast to northwest and 11.5 m from southwest to northeast. The port was the main station that was used as a refueling station for foreign cargo ships and 500 ships used for coal refueling, the number rose to 2,000 in the mid-19th century, in 1956, the coal service went to an end as ships switched to diesel fuel. It was later to be used as a military and local, trading and shipping services, primarily imports. | |
<town> <index>000</index> <name>Porto Grande</name> <land>Cape Verde</land> <einwohner>401343</einwohner> <landwaehrung_name>CVE</landwaehrung_name> <kurs_auf_dollar_bezogen>83.37770</kurs_auf_dollar_bezogen> <x>-236</x> <y>-149</y> <einkommensteuer>25</einkommensteuer> <kriegsrisiko>0</kriegsrisiko> <HafenArbeiterStreik>15</HafenArbeiterStreik> <SchlepperStreik>20</SchlepperStreik> <prozwirksam>70</prozwirksam> <treibstoffpreis>199</treibstoffpreis> <bildinfostadtnummer>-</bildinfostadtnummer> <fracht>Passagiere,100</fracht> <klippenrisiko>0</klippenrisiko> <piratenrisiko>15</piratenrisiko> <kollisionsrisiko>0</kollisionsrisiko> <seuchenrisiko>20</seuchenrisiko> <schlepperkosten>4700</schlepperkosten> <ortswartezeit>2</ortswartezeit> <schmuggelda>20</schmuggelda> <schmuggelart>2</schmuggelart> <zollgefahr>40</zollgefahr> <nebel>0</nebel> <repda>0</repda> <anzfracht>12</anzfracht> <hafentyp>p,q,y,g,c,r,b,d,t,a</hafentyp> <kontinent>Africa</kontinent> </town> |
The image should be added to the ..\poc\pocxxl\harbors\maps directory. These images should be added to the ..\poc\pocxxl\harbors\image2 directory. |
views: 60843 downloads: 258 | |
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Datei town0.xml "ausscheiden und kopieren". Cut and Paste the data below and add it to the town0.xml file. ..\poc\pocxxl\harbors\town
Mit der rechten Maustaste das Bild anklicken und "speichern unter"
auswählen. Right click the image and
choose "save as".
Frachten/Goods: Einige Frachten gehören nicht zu Ports of Call, diese müssen entweder aus den Daten genommen werden oder in das Spiel eingebaut werden. Folgende Legende hilft, die Frachten zu finden: Some of the Goods are not from Ports of Call. You can remove it from the data or you can add this manually. The following colorcodes are helping you to find this Goods:
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Koyotes Goods
Desweiteren sind alle Frachten übersetzt worden. Ein Liste der Änderungen findest du hier: all freights are translated to german. a list can be found here: Frachten/Goods Übersetzungen/Translation |