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Malabo ist die Hauptstadt Äquatorialguineas, das an der Westküste Afrikas am Atlantik liegt, und hat ca. 50.000 Einwohner. Malabo ist auch Hauptstadt der Provinz Bioko Norte. Malabo has been significantly affected by Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo's growing cooperation with the oil industry. The country's production has reached 360,000 barrels/day as of 2004, an increase which had led to a doubling of the city's population [1].], but for the vast majority here, very little of that wealth has trickled down, instead most has been stashed in overseas accounts accessible only by the president who treats the national treasury as his own personal account..(which de facto it is) Insert non-formatted text hereMalabo and Equatorial Guinea continue to be plagued with corruption and nepotism. The current president (who claims to speak to god) has grossly mismanaged the current wealth flowing into the country and continues to squander the opputunities that petroleum resources could bring. Hospitals sit without medications or doctors, schools languish in disrepair with no money for books or resources, electrical supply is sporaidic at best, the vast majority of citizens still have no access to clean water or sanitation and HIV and host of other STD's have become rampant with the burgeoning prostitution trade while infant mortality rates are among the highest in Africa. | |
<town> <index>000</index> <name>Malabo</name> <land>Equatorial Guinea</land> <einwohner>100000</einwohner> <landwaehrung_name>XAF</landwaehrung_name> <kurs_auf_dollar_bezogen>512.980</kurs_auf_dollar_bezogen> <x>87</x> <y>-37</y> <einkommensteuer>35</einkommensteuer> <kriegsrisiko>0</kriegsrisiko> <HafenArbeiterStreik>5</HafenArbeiterStreik> <SchlepperStreik>5</SchlepperStreik> <prozwirksam>70</prozwirksam> <treibstoffpreis>160</treibstoffpreis> <bildinfostadtnummer>-</bildinfostadtnummer> <fracht>Schweröl,100,Holz,95,Kakao,80,Kaffee,80</fracht> <klippenrisiko>0</klippenrisiko> <piratenrisiko>5</piratenrisiko> <kollisionsrisiko>5</kollisionsrisiko> <seuchenrisiko>5</seuchenrisiko> <schlepperkosten>5900</schlepperkosten> <ortswartezeit>2</ortswartezeit> <schmuggelda>5</schmuggelda> <schmuggelart>2</schmuggelart> <zollgefahr>50</zollgefahr> <nebel>0</nebel> <repda>78</repda> <anzfracht>10</anzfracht> <hafentyp>p,q,y,g,c,r,b,d,t,a</hafentyp> <kontinent>Africa</kontinent> </town> |
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