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Elizabeth (New Jersey) ist eine Stadt im Union County, New Jersey, USA mit 124.724 Einwohnern (1. Juli 2004). Elizabeth ist das County Seat (Verwaltungssitz) von Union County.

Since World War II, Elizabeth has seen its transportation facilities grow; Port Newark-Elizabeth Marine Terminal is one of the busiest ports in the world (owing to its proximity to New York City, without actually being part of it), as is Newark Liberty International Airport, parts of which are actually in Elizabeth. Elizabeth also features the Jersey Gardens outlet mall and IKEA, which generate millions of dollars in revenue. Together with Linden, Elizabeth is home to the Bayway Refinery, a ConocoPhillips refining facility that helps supply petroleum-based products to the New York/New Jersey area, producing approximately 230,000 barrels per day.
Wikipedia Infos
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<name>Elizabeth (New Jersey)</name>
<fracht>landwirt. Produkte,110,Metallwaren,100,Maschinen,100,Elektronik,110,Textilien,100,Passagiere,90</fracht>
<kontinent>North America</kontinent>
Elizabeth (New Jersey)
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These images should be added to the ..\poc\pocxxl\harbors\image2 directory.
views: 60848    downloads: 205
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Einige Frachten gehören nicht zu Ports of Call, diese müssen entweder aus den Daten genommen werden oder in das Spiel eingebaut werden. Folgende Legende hilft, die Frachten zu finden:
Some of the Goods are not from Ports of Call. You can remove it from the data or you can add this manually. The following colorcodes are helping you to find this Goods:

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all freights are translated to german. a list can be found here:
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