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Mobile ist eine Stadt im Mobile County im US-Bundesstaat Alabama, USA, mit 192.759 Einwohnern (Stand: 2004), am Mobile River und der Mobile Bay und ist die größte Hafenstadt Alabamas.

Mobile's Alabama State Docks is currently undergoing the largest expansion in its history by expanding its container processing and storage facility and increasing container storage at the docks by over 1,000%. Mobile is also in the race to become home to the nations largest military contract in history, a $200+ Billion air force tanker project which would generate over 5,000 high paying jobs in Mobile, pushing the city to very front of the nations most prosperous cities. The rapidly growing auto industry in Alabama has resulted in over 2,000 new jobs created in Mobile. Mobile also has benefited greatly economically from the Hurricane Katrina disaster with thousands of evacuees relocating to Mobile. Since the Katrina disaster, Mobile has seen a housing boom of more than 2,200 new homes built in only the past 16 months, exceeding even the post World War II boom of the late 1940s. Mobile is also one of two finalist areas for the ThyssenKrupp Steel Processing Plant, which when built, will be the largest steel plant in North America employing nearly 3,000 people.
Wikipedia Infos
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<fracht>landwirt. Produkte,110,Edelmetall,100,Metallwaren,100,Maschinen,200,Elektronik,200,Kunststoff Prod.,140,Textilien,200,Waffen,100,Medizin,120,infektiöse Substanzen,110,Fahrzeuge,100,Möbel,140,Passagiere,130,Autos,100,Anhänger,100,Kohle,100</fracht>
<kontinent>North America</kontinent>
The image should be added to the ..\poc\pocxxl\harbors\maps directory.

These images should be added to the ..\poc\pocxxl\harbors\image2 directory.
views: 61051    downloads: 250
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Cut and Paste the data below and add it to the town0.xml file.
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Right click the image and choose "save as".

Einige Frachten gehören nicht zu Ports of Call, diese müssen entweder aus den Daten genommen werden oder in das Spiel eingebaut werden. Folgende Legende hilft, die Frachten zu finden:
Some of the Goods are not from Ports of Call. You can remove it from the data or you can add this manually. The following colorcodes are helping you to find this Goods:

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Desweiteren sind alle Frachten übersetzt worden. Ein Liste der Änderungen findest du hier:
all freights are translated to german. a list can be found here:
Frachten/Goods Übersetzungen/Translation
