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Dublin ist die Hauptstadt und größte Stadt der Republik Irland. Der irische Name ist Baile Átha Cliath "Ort (an) der Furt (an) der Schilfhürde", wobei Baile für „Ort“ oder „Dorf“ steht und Áth Cliath (Gen.) für „Furt an der Schilfhürde“. Veraltet ist Dubhlinn „Schwarzer Tümpel“ oder „Schwarzer Sumpf“.
Über den Hafen von Dublin bestehen Fährverbindungen nach Liverpool und Holyhead. Der internationale Flughafen befindet sich im Norden der Stadt und ist der wichtigste des Landes. Die beiden größten Bahnhöfe sind Heuston Station und Connolly Station. Die Heuston Station verbindet Dublin mit den Städten im Westen und Süden des Landes, während von der Connolly Station aus Verbindungen nach Belfast, Sligo und Wexford bestehen.

Dublin Port is Ireland's biggest sea port. It has both historical and contemporary economic importance. Approximatively two thirds of the Republic of Ireland's port traffic goes via Dublin Port. Recently, the port and it's land were valued at €25 billion - €30 billion. Roll-On Roll-Off ferry services run regularly across the Irish Sea to Holyhead and Mostyn in Wales and Liverpool in England, and in the summer months to Douglas, Isle of Man. The largest car ferry in the world, the Irish Ferries ship Ulysses which can carry up to 2000 passengers, runs on the Holyhead route.The port is operated by the semi-state Dublin Port Company (formerly the Dublin Port and Docks Board). According to the DPC, the port handled 23.5 million tonnes of cargo in 2003, as well as 1,426,000 passengers. That year 7,917 ships docked in the port, including 54 cruise liners carrying 54,000 visitors. The Dublin Port Company is responsible for pilotage services within Dublin Bay. It also operates three diesel tugboats and two drydocks (located near Alexandra Quay), and provides divers for underwater hull inspections. It licenses private companies to provide stevedoring services. Probably the most famous industry in Dublin is brewing: Guinness has been brewed at the St. James's Gate Brewery since 1759. During the Celtic Tiger years of the mid to late nineties a large number of pharmaceutical and information technology companies have located in Dublin and its suburbs and there are many Information and Communications Technology companies operating in and around the city. Microsoft's EMEA Operations Centre is located in Sandyford Industrial Estate to the south of the city and Google and Amazon have established operational bases in the city. Intel and Hewlett-Packard have large manufacturing plants in Leixlip, County Kildare, a suburb to the west of Dublin. Google, Yahoo! and PayPal (among others) also have their European headquarters in Dublin. Dublin is internationally recognised for its large amount of high-tech industrial estates, business centres and financial centres — which have led it to be known as the "Silicon Valley of Europe".
Wikipedia Infos
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<fracht>lebende Tiere,120,landwirt. Produkte,110,Metallwaren,120,Autos,130,Anhänger,130,Maschinen,120,Elektronik,120,Bier,120,Whisky,127,Standard Chemikalien,110,infektiöse Substanzen,120,Passagiere,120,Kommunikationstechnik,109,Paletten,114,Bier,200</fracht>
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